Character Education
To prepare students for a world we can’t envisage, so when they’re stuck with something they’ve never seen before, they choose to think instead of remember.
Our students will develop a robust set of skills and attributes that will enable them to face life’s challenges and opportunities confidently and to articulate their feelings and opinions. Our ambition is to help our students develop a survival kit to life’s challenges, and build their independence and resilience. Our students will be happy, healthy and stay safe.
Our character curriculum is as accessible to all learners as it is creative. Through a thought provoking and informative character curriculum, our students will learn how to become confident and active citizens of modern Britain, who treat everyone with respect and kindness, celebrating their diversity whilst understanding what connects them to their community.
Course Leader
L Moor
Curriculum Roadmap
Note: in secondary schools, parents have the right to withdraw their children from the non-statutory/non-science components of sex education within RSE up to and until 3 terms before the child turns 16. Further information and a copy of the form to complete in order to request withdrawal is available in the Chorus Trust Relationships & Sex Education Policy (
Skills and requirements
Key concepts taught
All content in character education is mapped against the Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Association's core themes and the statutory health, relationships and sex education (HRSE) content. In addition, the careers education content is mapped against the Career Development Institute (CDI) framework for effective careers education.
Statutory health education
- Mental Wellbeing
- Internet safety and harms
- Physical Health and Fitness
- Healthy eating
- Drugs alcohol and tobacco
- Health Prevention
- Basic First Aid
- Changing adolescent body
Statutory relationships and sex education
- Families
- Respectful relationships, including friendships
- Online and media impacts
- Being safe
- Intimate and sexual relationships, including sexual health
- Staying safe both online and offline
Fundamental British values
- Celebrating diversity and equality
- Rights, responsibilities and British Values
- Understanding protected characteristics
Careers education (mapped against the CDI framework): life beyond school
- Grow throughout life: explore possibilities. Grow throughout life by learning and reflecting on yourself, your background, and your strengths
- Explore possibilities: explore the full range of possibilities open to you and learn about recruitment processes and the culture of different workplaces
- Manage your career: manage your career actively, make the most of opportunities and learn from setbacks.
- Create opportunities: by being proactive and building positive relationships with others.
- Balance life and work: balance your life as a worker and/or entrepreneur with your wellbeing, other interests and your involvement with your family and community.
- See the big picture: by paying attention to how the economy, politics and society connect with your own life and career.
Beyond the classroom
These resources will provide more information on some of the subjects covered. Further information and sources of help are available on our wellbeing page.
Relationships and sex education (RSE)
- Government: RSE guides for parents
- Talking openly to young people about sex education
- NSPCC: talking to children about difficult topics
Preventing radicalisation and hate
Protected characteristics
Gender reassignment
Marriage and civil partnership
- Marriage and civil partnership discrimination information
- Marriage and civil partnership discrimination explained video