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About Us

Welcome to Eckington School

Richard Cronin, HeadteacherAs a parent, as well as being a headteacher, I am acutely aware of the expectations and aspirations we invest in education for our children. We all want our children to be safe, respectful, confident, resilient, and successful in everything that they do.

Education should be an extremely rich experience and not just a preparation for the next stage of life. At Eckington School, our aim is to develop confident, well-qualified young people who fully understand the importance of education and the link between a successful education and increased chances of success in adulthood.

Our well-qualified school leaders, teachers and support staff work together with students and parents to create an outstanding team with one common purpose: to maximise every child’s potential.

Our growing Sixth Form delivers a wide range of A-level and vocational courses. Each year we welcome not only Eckington students but also young people from other local secondary schools. This rich mix of aspirational students fosters a vibrant and exciting post-16 learning environment. Many students progress to university or high-level apprenticeships via workplace training providers.

I hope you find our website helpful in finding out why Eckington School is so special.

Mr Cronin, Headteacher

Education is the passport to your future image